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Worker’s compensation nonsubscriber issues

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2023 | Firm News

Employers and insurance companies need to follow workers’ compensation laws.

However, employers and insurers face several noncompliance issues.

Inadequate insurance coverage

Employers need to offer adequate workers’ compensation insurance. This coverage protects their employees and business interests. If an accident occurs, insufficient coverage can lead to financial strain for both the injured employee and the employer. Insurance companies should guide employers in choosing the right amount of coverage. This will lower their financial risks.

Worker misclassification

Employers should classify their employees properly. They need to determine which employees should receive workers’ compensation benefits. Stating that workers are independent contractors can result in claim denial and legal issues. Employers and insurers should work together to classify employees. This reduces noncompliance risks.

Late injury reporting

Employers should report injuries and start claims quickly. Delays cause assessment complications. In addition, employees may not receive the support they need.

Retaliation concerns

Employers should not strike back at employees who file claims. Retaliation violates ethical standards and is illegal. Insurers should educate employers on treating injured employees fairly and without bias.

Safety measures and risk mitigation

Approximately 4,764 employees lost their lives on the job in 2020. Therefore, companies need to put safety measures first. Employers should follow all safety regulations. Safety protocols can reduce the number of claims, lower insurance premiums and create a safer work environment. Insurance companies should provide guidance on effective safety practices.

Consequences of noncompliance

Employers may face fines, increased insurance costs and damage to their reputation. Legal disputes and a higher number of claims reduce insurers’ profits.

Employers and insurers can create a more secure working environment for everyone by addressing these noncompliance issues.


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